Friday, November 1, 2024

Self-Care While Job Searching

Written By: Steven Kapetyn, Youth Employment Counsellor

Job searching can be a stressful experience in life, whether you are looking for the first time or finding a new job. The pressure you put on yourself or someone puts on you to find a job can be a lot and can take a toll on your mental, emotional, and sometimes your physical health. That's why prioritizing self-care during this process is important. Here is a list of strategies that could help you take care of yourself while navigating job searching.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Start by setting realistic goals in what you want to achieve in your job search. Instead of overwhelming yourself with the idea of applying to lots of jobs at once. Whether it be in-person or online applications, focus on a smaller number per day that may be in the same industry. This will allow you to not have to change up your resume as much. Also, make a list of the jobs you have applied to. It is beneficial for you to know what companies and jobs you applied to. It also allows you to see the number of jobs you applied to and the amount of work you are putting into your job search.

2. Establish a Routine

Create a daily routine for applying to jobs. It will provide structure and stability during your job search. You may say to yourself that you will set 30 minutes or 4 hours a day or every other day to job search and apply for jobs. At the beginning of the week, schedule in the times when you are going apply for jobs whether it be in-person or online. Do not forget to schedule breaks and time for activities you enjoy, this will help you recharge and stay motivated.

3. Take Breaks

Job searching can be mentally exhausting. It is important to be kind to yourself and take regular breaks to prevent burnout. Get away from your computer, go for a walk, practice mindfulness, or engage in a hobby. These short pauses can boost your productivity and creativity when you return to your search.

4. Stay Connected with the people around you

Ensure you are maintaining your connections with friends and family, who can provide support to you. Share your highs and lows and experiences with them. They can offer encouragement, help with networking, and help you in editing your resume and job searching strategies. Everyone has a story about their job search journey and by staying connected with the people can remind you that you're not alone in your journey.

5. Physical Health

Your physical well-being is closely linked to your mental state. Make sure you are eating properly, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. Regular exercise, even if it’s just a short walk, can enhance your mental wellbeing and energy levels.

6. Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge and celebrate how much work you are doing. Whether the wins are small or big it is important for you to recognize what you have done. The win could be applying to a certain amount of jobs, landing an interview, or getting out of your comfort zone and networking. By celebrating these small and big wins it can boost your motivation and remind you of your progress.

7. Maintain a Positive Mindset

Maintaining a positive mindset to the best of your ability through the whole job search process is important. Rejection or not hearing anything from an employer is a common part of the job search process, and it can be tough to handle depending on your mindset. Focusing on building a positive mindset by reminding yourself about your strengths and the unique qualities you bring to potential employers. Keeping a list of your wins and what your grateful for can help shift your thought process and highlight the positive aspects of your job search journey.

Job searching can be challenging, it is important to prioritize self-care during this time. Self-care will contribute positively to your job search no matter how long it takes to secure a job. Remember, taking care of yourself is not just beneficial for your mental health, it also enhances your ability to present your best self to potential employers. Embrace the process, and don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way.

Do you need support with job searching, resume building or having a better understanding on what you want to do in the future? Visit the Youth Employment Centre, we are here to support you and guide you through this sometime difficult and frustrating process. 

If you are looking for a Mental Health support, here are a few resources.


Calgary Distress Centre:

Calgary Counseling:

Recovery College: